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What are the restrictions after Kaal Sarp Puja?

As per the Hindu astrology Kaal Sarp Puja is performed to mitigate the ill effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh from a person’s horoscope. It is believed that such dosha occurs when all the planets are expected to positioned between Rahu and Ketu and such circumstances gives birth to significant challenges such as horrifying night dreams of snakes, career obstacles , health issues , unnecessary legal conflicts, etc. So it is believed that performance of Kaal Sarp Puja in Ujjain is the best way to appease the planets and mitigate their ill effects.

There are certain restrictions that help to maintain the spiritual belief as well as benefit of the Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain:

  • Avoid negative activities

It is advisable that indulgence in the negative activities must be restricted such as gambling, unnecessary fights, loose talks, engagement in the unethical activities, etc.

  • Dietary restrictions

Astrologers who performed Kaal Sarp Puja in Ujjain always recommends that after the performance of this Puja the individual must follow dietary restrictions such as eating satvik food by the avoidance of non-veg food, onion and garlic. Avoid eating leftover food. Consuming intoxicants such as alcohol and tobacco is also recommended.

  • Spiritual practices

Visit the temple of Lord Shiva especially on Mondays and perform abhishek am to Shiv Linga. Regular chanting of Lord Shiva’s Mantra associated with the Puja is recommended.

  • Lifestyle modifications

As color black is associated with Rahu it is recommended to avoid wearing black color clothes and also avoid sexual activities for at least after the performance of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain.

  • Avoid visiting certain places

After the performance of this Puja, visiting to the negative places such as cremation ground, funerals, etc is strictly restricted for few days.

Always follow all the restrictions as adviced and guided by the well known astrologers who have conducted the ceremony. These restrictions helps in maintaining the spiritual energies and benefits associated with the Puja.

What happens if doesn’t follow the restrictions after Kaal Sarp Puja?

Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain to nullify the adverse effects of Plane Rahu and Ketu from a person’s life but sometimes willingly or unwillingly a person couldn’t follow the restrictions imparted after this kaal sarp Puja. In such scenario he might have to face certain consequences, as:

  • Reduced effectiveness of the Puja – The alignment of the positive planetary positions might be weaken and spiritual energy generated by the Puja may also be reduced.
  • Persistence of challenges – By not following the restrictions after the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, the person might face persistence challenges as fearful dreams of snakes, obstructions in the career growth, unnecessary disputes in personal relationships and financial troubles.
  • Spiritual and mental Turmoil – Breaking restrictions and engagement in the negative activities may disrupt the positive aura created by the Puja and ignoring all the concerned restrictions may lead to the missing the opportunities related to self improvement and spiritual growth too and results in mental turmoil for an individual.


The restrictions imposed after the performance of Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain by the astrologers or the concerned Pandit ji who have performed this Puja is to maintain the sanctity of the ritual and enhance the retention of positive energies and aura created by this Puja.

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